The New Strategy Consultancy


We help ambitious organizations reach their next milestone

Discover more
Who we are ?

About us

Our core expertise is structured around 3 key disciplines: Strategy, Communication and Technology.


We are a team of executives who believe that relevant, effective and high-quality consulting services should be accessible to every organization.

We have decades of combined professional experiences with operational knowledge.


effective and high-quality consulting services should be accessible to every

We have decades of combined professional experiences with operational knowledge.

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We are a team of executives who believe that relevant, effective and high-quality consulting services should be accessible to every organization. We have decades of combined professional experiences with operational knowledge within a large variety of sectors and industries.

We successfully helped our clients to formulate and implement strategic decisions by assessing the organizations capabilities, researching opportunities, analyzing threats and competition. We adapt our methodologies and processes to our clients corporate culture while we challenge their own cognitive bias in order to set free their full potential. We use innovative and engaging techniques to deliver our consulting services such as design thinking approaches and agile frameworks.

Here is a partial list of our successful recent assignments :

  • Client : A leading retail bank
    Challenge : Upgrade 
    Duration : 3 months

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Our Values

We listen with


We speak with


We Act with


What we do ?


Our core expertise is structured around 3 key disciplines: Strategy, Communication and Technology.


Strategic Management

To shape your bright future

We team up with our clients to tackle business issues and beyond. We deliver high value-added consulting services from formulation to implementation

Competitive Intelligence

To keep an eye on your competitors

Transformation & Restructuring

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.

Benjamin Disraeli


Strategic Communication


We build brands that trigger emotion and shape perceptions

  • Brands
    We build brands that trigger emotion and shape perceptions.
  • Logotypes
    We create Names, Tags and Logotypes that make you unique.
  • Identity Systems
    We design Identity Systems that help your audience recognize you.
  • Messaging
    We develop messaging to increase the awareness of your audience.
  • Verbal Tones
    We define Verbal Tones to make sure your audience get your messages sharp and clear.

Public Relations

We handle your public image

  • Press Relations
  • Corporate Events

Crisis Management

Crisis is always too late. Crisis Management begins before it comes from nowhere. Better you get in touch with us way before it happens.

  • Weak Signal Analysis
  • Stakeholders Analysis
  • Messaging Development and Delivery

Media Training

Speak effectively on every opportunity to deliver your key messages

Gain presentation skills and be an effective communicator. We train leaders and top executives to become confident when you speak in public before live audiences in meetings, conferences and media live interviews.

  • Presentation Training
  • IInterview Coaching
  • Public Speaking


AI & Analytics


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Digital Platforms

We help you create, develop and manage the best online communication channels to deliver your key messages.

  • Corporate websites
  • Campaigns websites
  • C-level executives personal blogs

Social Media Management

We help you keep in touch with your customers base and shape their loyalty.

  • Content Strategy

IT Infrastructure

We provide a wide of IT services to support your business development and growth

  • Web hosting
    We provide your organizations with secure and professional email accounts for your team members.
  • E-mail service
    We provide your organizations with secure and professional email accounts for your team members.
  • Domains
    We help you protect your Trademarks and Intellectual Property and secure your domain names.
How we do it ?


We developed methodologies and processes to tackle our clients issues.


VEGAXIS General Methodology
A caption for the above image.


We team up with our clients and build lasting relationships based on mutual trust.

We use and adapt innovative and disruptive approaches to tackle clients’ issues.

  • Collective Intelligence
  • Design Thinking
  • Agile frameworks


We extensively use facilitation techniques

  • Interactive sessions and workshops
  • Gamification
  • Coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Training


Our Clients are leading companies and organizations from a wide range of industries

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Financial Services
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Telecommunication
  • Media
  • Technology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Political Organizations
  • Governments and Policymakers
  • Nongovernmental Organizations

Pro Bono Consulting with 💖

We, at VEGAXIS, care about good causes. That is why we offer Pro Bono consulting services for Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) to help them deal with subjects that matter to all of us.


  • Animal Welfare 🐘🦍🐼🐳🐯
  • Arts and Culture 🎭🎨🖼🎬🗿
  • Children 👶🍼👦👧
  • Human Rights & Civil Rights ✊📣✌🕊⚖🗽
  • Disaster & Humanitarian Relief 🆘🤝
  • Poverty Alleviation & Economic Empowerment 💸📈
  • Education 📖🖋🚸👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
  • Environment ♻🌳🌊🏜
  • Health 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️🏥😷💉💊🩺


Drop us a line and tell us about your challenges, budget and timeline.
+1 646 755 9880
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